
I had worked towards itfor 2 years

Of course I was still nervous

It was so important to me

It was early November in 2016

As the finale of 2 years of Shamanic training

I was to sit out in Nature for 18 hours

Also called a Vision quest

I had to create a Medicine wheel

only small

and sit inside it

the whole time

No food or water

and observe everything that came across my Medicine wheel

If you’ve ever spent time with me

you know I am a bit of a fidget

I like to talk and move

learn and move

everything and move at the same time

I just love movement

So to sit still

sit in my feelings

stay still when I was uncomfortable as all


No where to run

Not be able to hide in food

or on my phone

or red wine and chocolate

Or call a girlfriend

Or fall asleep

and checkout

I had to stay sitting up

and use everything I had learnt those last two years to do this

I had no idea of the time

I had just the clothes I was wearing on

I felt sadness

like oh this is so familiar

being alone

I fckn hate this I yelled at the sky

I cried and cried

I felt rage

That hit at I am guessing around 3am

When I got so cold and crazy with the anger that I thought I was going to die my legs were freezing

I screamed at the sky

over and over

I blamed everyone


Why was no one taking care for me

Every single emotion I sat through

hour after hour

I called on my ancestors and my guides to hold me tight

They did as always

but I had to sit with the huge range of emotions

I could feel all the insects around me

I could hear the mosquitos

I just wanted love and comfort

It was the first time I really connected with the stars

that was all I had it felt like to me

It was a clear cool night and because I was in the bush

with the elders sitting in a location on the land

holding space nearby,

as I went through this

The stars shone bright

In the end they were my saving grace

I would get mad, sad, angry and everything in between

then I would look up and bathe in the gentleness of them

despair kept appearing

I thought the night was never going to end

That night I left so much behind

I’m not sure exactly what

I just remember the feelings I shed

A big burn off

I came to know myself and my strength

I was proud

and my friend who saw me straight after said they couldn’t believe how free I looked

I often think of this night

and what I knew that night.

I painted this after

Of being with the stars