Last night I had a little look into MY being born “different”

I bounded through the door home from Te Reo class (Maori language)

My beautiful 12 year old son right there

Oh man I said to him

I don't know how children do it

How YOU do it

Sitting in class most of the day as a way to learn

I feel for you and all the children everywhere

I had just sat for an hour

learning Te Reo

So firstly I had to sit to learn in this class

I learn best with movement and experience

Then I had to know how to play the card game FISH

Yeah I know it's simple

But I am shite at cards games my brain is just not wired that way

Then I had to learn how to translate the game into Te Reo

So I could play the game...

So when I get hellvya nervous

I either cry and get anxious as all hell 

or I laugh and laugh and make jokes about myself

to ease the pressure

or I get super serious and try to look like I got sh*t handled

or I swear like a mofo

sometimes I run away

not often though anymore

Luckily I have come to know all my classmates so well

and they are a dear bunch of friends

Most of them teachers

So they have the patience of Saints

So the stress is getting to me and I am laughing nervously and trying to work the whole game out and my answer and then translate it. 

And sit still doing it !

So I look at one of my friends he is always smiling and ready for a laugh

Because he knows it is always a bit of mixed bag with me...

I am doing my best here

I have a Queen and I want a Queen from him if he has one

But instead I ask him for a PIG ! 

The words are kind of close in pronunciation and visually too

But to tell the truth not really

I roar with laughter 

Everyone roars with laughter

But really I thought I had it down

and that my simple question I would pronounce correctly...

So I say to my son

Honestly I just have to accept that I am different

Like jeez if you asked me to talk with your dear Cat that has passed away

or your darling Mother on the other side

And bring through a message from them

I can do that in a heart beat 

With ease

With love and flow

But that other stuff 

It burns up my energy and has me way out of my comfort zone

Nervous as all hell

But I keep turning up 

Mostly because of the love, laughter and support from my awesome friends

You all know who you are and our incredible teacher Gabi too 

The power of Community

The power of Love and laughter

and my language

which will come through me in some way I know for sure

Thanks to my Tipuna (ancestors)

Art by me
