I bow to the year that was 2020

You taught me so many things

I was forced to look into those deep dark corners of myself

I didn't want to go near

I didn't want the light shone in there

I wanted to continue old habits

old ways

Run away from things that felt uncomfortable

Not face them head on

Being in those lockdowns taught me soooo much

Being faced with unresolved stuff

The silence was often so deafening

The being indoors

A lot of my freedoms gone

Not being able to escape to things I would normally do

Like Nature

Connecting with friends & family face to face

Seeing all the ways I used to avoid facing myself

and try and run away from myself

For years I had felt uncomfortable about having a little glass of red wine every night

Either while I cooked dinner or with dinner

I would justify it by saying it was only a small glass

I had bought this ornate tiny glass at the thrift shop

But I would wrestle with myself every dam day

Beat up on myself

About the fact that on some level I needed that glass of Red

To me it was soul destroying

Because I felt like an alcoholic and as though I was hiding something

And I knew I was 

To me I was

Because when it came to quitting it

I had so much anger and rage inside of me

About stopping

I was struck by this and wondered if I gave up the red wine

Where would I then put/channel these emotions

How would I deal with them

I hard to turn and face myself

Well actually I didn't  have to

I just went ok  this is it 

In the middle of the Level 4 Lockdown 

That was 25 May 2020

I don't really like to be to rigid about things

generally in my life

But I dunno really, something inside of me

has just wanted to stick with this

not having a drink

not having the need for it

I noticed for a while after how I hit the dark chocolate a bit harder

But that soon levelled out

I guess for me it just felt good to not have to walk through

 that daily beating up on myself about it

It felt like a choke hold

And I wanted that gone, gone,gone.

Maybe one day I will have a glass of vino again

But for now it's so empowering, 

not having the energy of that around and within me.

I certainly understand the battle with it

That's for sure, it’s super intense. 
