Often time’s I say this to myself~
I’ll just sleep on it
When I am feeling pushed to make a decision on something.
So many times I have done my head in thinking of every possible scenario.
Killing any intuitive guidance I might have had. As I have thought it to through to the death.
So if I can I let it go and wait until I wake up the next morning.
That moment when I wake up,
When I am only half awake
and my overthinking brain hasn’t jumped in yet
Oftentimes the answer is right there
I can feel it
That is how I have made some of my best decisions.
Try it and let me know.
Come and join me on Ko-fi where I’ll share more of these card readings. My day to day journeys through Nature, my Art, Plant medicine, my thoughts and anything I maybe working through in my own life. That may help you in some way by my sharing.
I am with you on the journey