A glimpse into what some of my clients experience with me as the Psychic Medium. 

This can be over the phone or in face to face appointments. 

Oftentimes their deceased loved one has come to me before the clients appointment time.

They will let themselves be known.

I like to say a little hello, acknowledge them and ask them to please come back when I am with my client.

Years ago I had to put in boundaries

As I had a deceased loved one come to me at 2am. 

I let him know when my opening hours were and sure enough he came through the next day for his ex wife.

Oftentimes I take on the mannerisms

Tone of voice

Quietness or excitement

of the deceased loved one

One Dad almost had me climbing the walls he was so excited

He was like this in real life too

So his son knew it was him. 

Oftentimes I am so overwhelmed with tears 

With the love that is coming through

From the person that has passed away

To my client

I just don't have words big enough to explain the Love 

That is coming through my body

My clients can feel it instead

As it passes through them

and fills them up

It is the most beautiful experience

Many healing tears are shed

And they are bought closer

Through these experiences 

I had a client whose daughter had passed away

Her daughter towered over her Mum 

She leapt in front of me and showed me how she used to pick up her Mum and hug her really tightly

And swing her around

Every time she saw her Mum

I shared this with my client 

She cried because she felt all of this come through me and knew it was her daughter. 

Your deceased loved ones will do their best to let you know it’s them. 

So that you can know that they are ALWAYS with YOU. 

Loving and supporting YOU. 

I often experience this with clients 

Who have loved ones who are still alive too

But unable to communicate

Maybe they have dementia

Or for some reason are not able to speak and communicate and express how they feel

So they will come through me

To let their loved one know

How loved and appreciated they are

They are able to share all sorts of things

As the Medium it’s so beautiful 

To be part of this divine process

All my love 

I am with you on the journey. 


Lisa-Jane Myers 

Psychic Medium & Māori Shamanic healer 



📸Belinda Brown photography 
