There I was in my kitchen yesterday

Hello Dad I said

As my children didn't bat an eyelid

I was buzzing around cooking and felt strongly his presence

Come right in on my left side

There was no mistaking it was him

My Father who has mild dementia often comes to me

And he has been a lot in the past week

He lives 700 kilometres away

Which in New Zealand is a long way

Anyhow this last week he has been appearing next to me alot

Mostly when I have been in my kitchen

This happens for me with people who have passed away

That’s normal for me

But I never knew until about 10 year ago that this can happen

with people who are still alive

Of course it made sense to me

As we are all spirit and connected

Just like we can know when the phone rings who it will be

We feel them, feel their presence first often

For me it is reassuring

Because just as I talk to my deceased loved ones on the other side

I talk to my Dad

and send him love

and also I asked him what he's doing showing up in my kitchen empty handed!!

This photo taken by my friend Belinda last Summer made me laugh

When I saw it

It could absolutely be my Dad

That is how he would walk the beach

T-shirt over his head

Doing his own thing

Aroha ~ love


📸Belinda Brown photography
