It has been beautiful through my work as a Medium 

to give voice to those with Dementia who cannot speak

It was just last week 

I was on a Platform called Clubhouse giving free live readings

I was with a lovely American woman who wanted to bring through her Great Grandmother

She desperately wanted to know what her Grandmother wanted as she has dementia

She hoped her Great Grandmother would be able to help with this.

She wanted to know whether Grandmother was comfortable in the Nursing home or if she wanted to be bought home with the family.

Not wanting to move her if she was comfortable.

So we opened up conversation with Great Grandmother on the other side.

Then suddenly all of these visions started flooding in and I knew who Grandmother was for her family before she became unwell with Dementia.

She was vivacious and the centre of their very large family

Everyone coming and going from her to seek advice, laughter, love, food and just to be around her beautiful big energy. 

And now she was experiencing herself as stuck to the bed

and missing all the movement and energy of everyone around her all the time.

All she wanted was to be home for her final days

As I bought through her mannerisms and explained her, and what she wanted, everything rang true and resonated for her Grand daughter 

She cried with relief

And knew and could feel it in her heart as we all spoke - that was what her Grandma really wanted.

Everyone was happy now, Grandmother, Granddaughter and Great Grandmother.

This job really did choose me.

Psychic Medium

The Māori Medium
