It was 2013 and I was staying with a beautiful family in India
Father had passed away a few years earlier
He was gone way to soon
There I was staying in his home with his sons and their Mum
With a bit of translation I had sat with her
and her son
We spoke gently a few days before and bought her husband through
It was brief as her grief was still very immense
So we left it
A few days later there she was preparing dinner
It was cold so I went and wrapped up warm before coming back to help her
I went and stood beside her
I had my comfortable woollen striped top on and I had pulled the blanket off the bed
Wrapped it around my waist
And shuffled up next to her to cook the dinner
I only spoke a little Hindi so we communicated by action mostly
She looked at me and what I was wearing and the way I was standing
She began to cry
And kept crying
I called for her son and asked what was happening
He came out into the kitchen and asked her if she was alright...
He explained to me that his Father used to stand in the exact same way as I was doing
In his striped top with the exact same blanket wrapped around his waist
And would look at her the same way as I was
She told him she was so taken aback that I appeared and was wearing and doing the exact same thing as her dear husband had done most Winter nights after he returned from work.
Our deceased loved ones will do anything to let it be known that they are right close by loving and supporting us.
Aroha~ love