A letter to you my amazing Sistars and daughters

Go gently on yourself today

Save some of your precious energy for you

Don’t give your work 150% and run yourself ragged and into the ground.

Give less and you’ll still do the same amazingly great job.

I love you and I’m so proud of you.

As women we are taught to give our all to partners, work, children

And anyone that needs help!

Don’t give your all

And burn yourself out

Hold a little back for you

Keep it guarded


Tucked under your precious cloak

Just for YOU


Don’t burnout

Over giving

Don’t sell your soul down the river

There is another way.

We are precious

And so is our energy and value.

Keep a little for you

And only you


We are carving new pathways for ourselves and all women

By doing this.

Standing strong in our Mana

Putting our precious selves first.

We are sacred,

And must treat ourselves this way


We can leave our aroha (love) with others we hold dear.

But call back our energies and all those sacred pieces of us that are with others.

Call them home

Back to us

Making us stronger

Giving us a strong foundation to live from.

I am with you in this

When one of us rises

And takes care of ourselves

We ALL rise

Aroha ~ love



📸Belinda Brown Photography