DON’T TOUCH our precious children with this experimental j a b!
The NZ G o v t are coming for children aged 5 - 12 years old today 17 January 2022.
I’ll no longer be silent about this.
I won’t ever speak about my client sessions because of confidentiality.
But I will speak of this.
I continue to be saddened and shocked every week at how many of my clients I am speaking with -that have had severe adverse reactions to the experimental
v a x.
Theses include myocarditis , blood clots, heart problems, strokes, numbness through their bodies, severe menstruating and cramps, bleeding more regularly, having periods again when they are in menopause.
Blood noses. Fainting. Miscarriage, still birth and many, many other serious symptoms.
Lethargy, exhaustion, and generally feeling really off and out of sorts.
And let’s also talk about the anger, rage, sadness, grief and trauma that they are dealing with now from being bullied, coerced and many other reasons into having this j a b.
Left feeling disempowered, despondent, concerned, scared and dealing with their symptoms.
And wondering what the hell is going on with them now. And how they can return to good health again.
And in a lot of cases dealing with this silently or being fobbed off by D octors that they can’t find anything wrong with them.
And the g o v t is hiding adverse reactions information -why? Yes that’s a big red fl*g right there.
DON’T TOUCH our precious children!
If I get banned from my social media pages for speaking up. Which a lot of people are for long periods of time.
Please find me at
Arohanui ~ much love
Artwork that is still in progress is by me Lisa - Jane Myers.