On those precious moments of deep heart connection in my mahi ~ work

Being at the markets in my cosy little set up brings me so much joy

every weekend I collect so many moments of deep heart connection

Sitting with a lovely older lady recently reminded me of my Nana

she must have been nearly 80 years old

a stroke had affected her speech

My guides did a great job of letting me know what she was saying

We dived into the most beautiful spaces together

I could sense so many of the hard times she had been through in her life

It is hard to put into words these deep aroha connections that I get to share with my clients

Because it's a feeling

A feeling of sharing space together

shedding a few tears


and the comfort that comes from that

Often people I sit with will say they haven't been hugged in so long

The Māori way is to reach out

Well my expression of being Māori is to do this

Show some aroha - love

extend my hand


This for me is where the deepest connections come

Spring forth

in these moments

I consider myself so lucky to be in these spaces

share these most intimate moments

Often all we need is for someone

To see us

Hear us

and hug us

and in her case we hugged many, many times

her face lit up and so did mine

Collecting precious moments in time

Arohanui ~ much love

