The grip it had on me was all consuming

and frankly it scared me

I'd never let anyone know that

I fought with myself intensely for months

Then for three nights before I knew I was going to stop completely

My Tupuna (ancestors) had been nudging me

It wasn't until I knew I had to give it up

That I realised how scary it was going to be

I couldn't walk this path any longer

I had reduced myself to drinking a small glass of red wine every night

I had purposely bought an ornate glass from the Thrift shop

Pretending it was "just " a small glass

Sometimes it was two glasses

But I needed it every single night

Every night I justified it in some way and I hated myself for it

I hated myself everytime I drank

I hated how I would numb out

The need for the alcohol was so overwhelming it scared me

Summonings all of my energy and strength to do this

What I experienced was nothing short of terrifying

Those three nights I fought a huge black energy above me

This energy wanted to stay in me

With me

Within me

It would not give up the fight

The mental pain was excruciating

It would torture me for hours

Waging full blown terror with me

Spew self hatred into me

Some of this was mine, some of it was not

It had come down through the generations

My body, sweating, rigid, fighting, battling this -that felt and looked like a black reptile

It was powerful as hell

Not letting up

There were moments I wanted to succumb

Who would I be without this.

What would come up in my life -that I wouldn't be able to face without glass of wine or more !

My ancestors there with me

And yet I felt so alone

This energy wanted me to keep feeling that I was alone

That I had no support

Not here in the physical

Nor from my Tupuna -ancestors and my Kaitiaki -spirit guardians

I had used it to numb

Not feel my sadness, deep sadness

Pain, anguish

Some of which wasn't even mine

It was had come down through the generations

The same pain, shame, abuse, deep self hate

Which had been masked with alcohol

I had to fight this and my own deep pain and self hatred.

I was determined and terrified

Three nights it took

The nights were the worst

Flashbacks of pain buried

After the third night I felt a shift

It had left me

I was exhausted

Now the real work would start

Staying on my path

There has been five occasions since then that I have had a drink to" celebrate"

I haven't enjoyed it

For me it has been like taking a sip of alcohol at the same time as taking a sip of self hate.

and that is not for me.

Slaying that demon is where my strength lies and only I can know how this feels.

It gives me strength

and keeps me feeling proud of myself

and that's what I want

No more self hatred.

If you have read down this far- thank you

Arohanui - all my love

