Kia Kaha Rescue Remedy

Brandy as a preservative in medicinal quantities ~

A little background on using Brandy as a preservative in medicinal amounts.

The Kia Kaha Rescue Remedy needed a preservative to lengthen its shelf life.

It is the purest way of using alcohol, brandy - as a medicine. Using a medicinal amount of Brandy in each remedy as a preservative.

Alcohol used in medicinal measures is in actual fact how it is meant to be taken.

~My own experience with Brandy as medicine~

I was administered a small shot of Brandy at 11 years old.

I had been attacked by a dog, jumped a neck high barbed wire fence into blackberry bushes to escape. I was given Brandy to help me with the shock, to bring me back into my body and calm my nerves.

This was when I first learned the power of Brandy given in medicinal quantities.

I researched organic Brandy as an option but it was going to make the cost of my product too high. I wanted to keep it affordable so I stayed with the regular Brandy which I am really happy with.

Kia Kaha Rescue Remedy

30ml $33

To purchase email or direct message me