Yesterday I woke up with a heaviness sitting over my heart and chest

It felt like a heavy depression

Frozen, numb, deep sadness.

I'd had another restless nights sleep

This was quite common now

Especially through lockdown

I couldn't shift it

So I sat in my chair closed my eyes

and asked my guides for some clarity and healing

I cried as I felt the sadness express to me what it was

It was some of my own grief and sadness

As well as what I had been picking up in the collective

What's happening in the collective

For so many of us

Deep despair, sadness and grief around being locked down

Or having our rights and choices taken away from us

I cried some more

I shook

and I let all the emotions pass through me

Then my guides bought Light language through me

I spoke it out loud

It went directly into my heart and body

Healing those places within me and that part of me that is in the collective

That is deeply hurting right now with so many of you

I have always been so resistant to do this

As I have so much fear about being a weirdo

Looking like a weirdo

But if you were on my last FB Livestream with me

You would have seen my council of 9 light being guides come through

and bring healing for all of us who were there

It was beautiful

After sitting quietly

I felt a sense of calm come over me


I could feel the build up of mamae (pain, hurt, sadness)

Had moved through me

Melted after being frozen, stuck, heavy on my heart

That same way I feel after a swim in the sea

Clear, refreshed, like a lot of built up stuff, sadness, distress, noise has left me.

Come and join me

I have created a Community space on Telegram called Aroha Nui

Where I will be doing livestream healings, card readings, sharing healing Mandala I create and so much more.

You can also share on this platform too.

I would love to see you there.

