Mangawhai Community markets

Tomorrow I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai Community Market

Tomorrow I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai community markets

I am so happy- tomorrow I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai community market

Tomorrow I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai Community Market

On Saturday I will be at my favourite place ~ for New Years Eve.

The Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai community market

Tomorrow I will be at my favourite place ~ for Christmas Eve.

The Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Letting off steam

So I have found myself sharing this amazing little technique a lot lately with my clients and friends.

That is to let out an almighty scream or yell in the car when you are alone. Or some place that no one is going to become alarmed.

I often do this when I have a lot of pressure building up inside of me. It can be because I have not been able to safely speak my truth in a situation (yet) or I am mad wild with someone and need to release some steam.

I dig deep and let all the energy come up from deep in my puku (tummy) and then yell it all out. I can tell  you I feel amazing after it, sometimes I even do it for a second time.

It feels so much better than having all that left inside of me ~ give it a try sometime!

Most of all take care of yourself over this busy season.

Take breaks and say no where you can and yes to yourself.



Mangawhai community Market

Tomorrow I will be at my favourite places ~

The Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Client testimonial

Client testimonial

Phone session

December 2022

Lisa has an authentic wairua (the spirit of a person) and compassion for people which allows communication to flow.

Her gift is amazing as are her tīpuna (ancestors) who help with the wonderful insight and knowledge that Lisa imparts.

Her caring nature makes for a beautiful experience with wairua.

The comfort she brings to a person is huge and I was truly grateful for the messages and guidance I was given.

Thank you Lisa 💕

Lisa - Jane Myers

Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing practitioner

Mangawhai Community markets

Tomorrow I will be at one of my favourite places ~

The Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Client testimonial

In person session

December 2022

Through her sensitivity and insight Lisa connected to my deepest feelings and concerns . Feelings that I am usually unable to talk about.

Her compassion and wisdom is evident and her connection to the spirit world an extraordinary gift that she uses to heal, comfort and guide.

Lisa restored my hope for the future and that I will get through this dark and confusing episode to more settled times.

Lisa - Jane Myers

Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner


Phone session

November 2022

Lisa provided the most amazing space for us to tune into, appreciate, grieve and release the wonderful family times we had spent in our home.

We were left feeling that it was appreciated, cleansed, looked after, and guided into a positive future, and we felt freed up, acknowledged, supported and held through what could otherwise have been a traumatic process.

Thanks Lisa for your intuition, wisdom and listening.

Lisa - Jane Myers

Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai Community markets

It’s my favourite time of the week again tomorrow

I get to be in my happy place

At the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Speaking with my Great Grandmother

It’s even unbelievable to me that I can speak with my Great Grandmother six generations back

Her presence to me

Is very subtle

At the same time very loud

She very clearly gives me messages

and guidance

Information that she wants documented and known

She has a wild sense of humour

and is quite feisty

I love that

I can feel our similarities so strongly

I feel it as an energy that causes through my body

I was born with this gift of speaking to the other side

For so many reasons

And so many years I suppressed this gift

It’s been 20 years now of being open and being myself

Not having to hide it away

Hide a huge part of myself

So very freeing

Most of all though I get to support those who are grieving

This fills up and warms my heart


All my love


artwork by me

Lovely Moments from a Psychic Medium~

It's always beautiful to me

That our loved ones on the other side

Will let us know

How very close by they are

I was in a phone session with a couple recently

Who had a devastating loss

of a little loved one

I shared that I could see and feel the spirit of their deceased loved one

describing significant features

I shared that their Tupuna (ancestors) were there with them

Deeply supporting them through their loss

It went silent on the other end of the phone for a moment

They said in that moment

That I spoke of their Ancestors being present

Their house shook

-with an earthquake

Surprise and disbelief turned into confirmation that their Ancestors were in fact there

and giving them a tohu - sign of this!

A beautiful moment

So very heart warming

There were so many beautiful and touching moments for them

In our time together.

Supporting them through their grieving process.

Arohanui ~ much love


Mangawhai Community Markets

I always look forward to this time of the week.

You’ll find me at Mangawhai community markets at Mangawhai Beach school.


5 November 2022

9am - 1pm

I will be giving 20 minute in person discounted readings.


20 minutes

Find me in my gazebo

look for the butterfly painted

on the side of it


I also have my Tester Rescue remedy -mouth spray blend on the table.

Please use it.




Event tonight

Event tonight

A reminder that tonight we have our first gathering of our Matekite community.



Lets come together

There are so many of you around New Zealand and the World who experience feeling alone with your spiritual gifts and abilities.

Trying your best to hone them, make sense of what is happening for you.

Work out the tohu (signs) you are being given.

Doing your best to understand visitations from your deceased loved ones and ancestors

and wanting support with this.

Most of all though to be in a

community where you can thrive, be heard, understood and loved through the process.

I cant wait to see YOU

7pm NZ time on Zoom


Zoom details

Topic: Matekite Community Gathering

Time: Nov 1, 2022 07:00 PM Auckland, Wellington

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 9332 6061

Passcode: 381130

Arohanui - much love


Psychic Medium, Matekite & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Join our online Community to Thrive and grow.

Kia ora friends & whanau

I am creating an online community for Matekite to gather. 

7pm - NZ time

Tuesday 1 November 

By Zoom

There are so many of you around New Zealand and the World who experience feeling alone with your spiritual gifts and abilities. 

Trying your best to hone them, make sense of what is happening for you. 

Work out the tohu (signs) you are being given. 

Doing your best to understand visitations from your deceased loved ones and ancestors and wanting support with this.

Most of all though to be in a community where you can thrive, be heard, understood and loved through the process. 

All welcome

Lets come together 

Please message me for Zoom details.

I cant wait to see YOU

Arohanui - much love


Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai Community market

Join me at Mangawhai Community markets at Mangawhai Beach school.


22 October 2022

9am - 1pm

I will be giving 20 minute in person discounted readings.


20 minutes

Find me in my gazebo

look for the butterfly painted

on the side of it


I also have my Tester Rescue remedy -mouth spray blend on the table.

Please use it.




Remembering my amazing friend Hemi

I realised on Sunday when I was invited on to an app with a sweet friend of mine to count our daily steps.

That I had thrown my phone so hard across the bed and never wanted to ever count my steps again -after my amazing one of kind sweet friend Hemi passed away suddenly two years ago.

That was one of the many things we shared. Counting our steps and competing about it over the phone . So much aroha, hearty banter, and laughter about it all.

He lived along way away from me.

I was so mad that he left so suddenly. We were meant to go down a River that’s close to my heart in a canoe over 3 days. That never happened.

He was meant to call in to my house and stay on my couch and we were going to walk the cliffs here. And count our steps. That never happened.

We were meant to keep having those big lovely heart to heart phone calls. And sort out the problems of the world at the same time.

Well fck that never happened either.

It all ended so suddenly.

My friend gone.

In honour of him- I’m going to start counting my steps again and keep our little tradition going.

He would have been proud of me on Sunday. I did a gigantic effort on the steps and I’m sure I would have beaten him hands down on that day if he were still alive.

21,500- steps

He would never have believed me and laughed !

Love you Hemi.

You were the best big brother I’d always wished for. And I only had 18 months hanging with you.

Always in my heart
