Free live Psychic Medium Readings on Facebook

FREE Psychic Mediumship live readings from two advanced readers.  For one hour we will be receiving messages from passed loved ones and spirit guides and sharing these insights with you.

You will need to like to our pages as listed below and we will be selecting people from the comments.

Lisa and Charmaine discovered they have woven a similar path, including years of indigenous experiential and psychic mediumship training.  They share Te Atiawa heritage and have attuned their gifts from childhood passed down from their ancestors. 

Charmaine and Lisa have decided to team up to create this special event in a fun environment with the love and importance of their life’s work….we look forward to seeing you!!

These beautiful words from my client.

JUNE 2019

I lost my Dad 7 weeks ago this week.

A couple of weeks after he had gone my dear dear Lisa-Jane and I had a session.

I will be forever grateful for her Mahi/work.

For her inspiration and ability, her gift to communicate and share with those both sides of the veil.

Thank you Lisa-Jane for helping me with the grieving process and sharing your gift with me.

I will be forever grateful.



The Māori Medium

Free LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me 

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings 

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday  3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s. 

💕This is Jemma in the photo from our Saturday morning LIVE. 

We shared the most beautiful heartfelt moments bringing through messages of love, warmth, and deep connection from her dear Mother who had crossed over💕


The Māori Medium

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday 3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones

through and your Pets on the other side too.

Words from Carley~

From my Free LIVE Psychic Medium Readings on Instagram @themaorimedium

“Hi again Lisa-Jane and thank you for the most beautiful reading this morning through your Instagram LIVE page.

Your words were beautiful, and the messages you shared with me about my nana were just amazing - it was exactly what I needed to hear and feel.

Thank you for being so incredibly generous with your time, energy and gifts, and for having such a beautiful spirit.”


The Māori Medium

Free LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday 3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones

through and your Pets on the other side too.

Words from Carley~

From my Free LIVE Psychic Medium Readings on Instagram @themaorimedium

“Hi again Lisa-Jane and thank you for the most beautiful reading this morning through your Instagram LIVE page.

Your words were beautiful, and the messages you shared with me about my nana were just amazing - it was exactly what I needed to hear and feel.

Thank you for being so incredibly generous with your time, energy and gifts, and for having such a beautiful spirit.”


The Māori Medium

Working through my frusration

I loved painting this Mandala back in 2015

I was right in the middle of a really frustrating situation

So I turned to painting

Dug out this canvas and painted a beautiful Mandala.

But it looked too contrived for my liking.

I wanted to add some edge to it

So I got my Gumboots on

Stood up the canvas on the grass and ran at it with my brush loaded with red paint and went splat

And did that two more times

It was so satisfying !

It felt done

And now I had worked through my frustration

And had my answer for my next steps to take sorting the situation out

Hooray !

How do you work through things? Oftentimes if I can’t set up painting I’ll go for a walk or I’ll get creative and cook dinner and sort out the problems of the world and mine too haha!

Sacred Healing mandala


Feel free to bring in the Medicine of this healing Mandala to your heart today


Free Live Psychic Medium Readings on Instagram

Come and join me on Instagram

I offer these every Saturday on my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday  3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too. 

💕It was beautiful bringing Tendai on to the LIVE from her hospital bed in New York. She wanted to talk to her dear Mother who had passed away. We bought her Mom through it was so heart warming and beautiful 💕

Lisa - Jane Myers

The Māori Medium 

My story of being born a Māori psychic medium in New Zealand.

Raw, unedited video. 

My story of being born a Psychic Medium- Matekite we are call in my Māori culture. 

Growing up trying to keep it quiet and find my way with it all. 

Thank you for watching. 

Maybe you see yourself in my experiences and it helps you. Or you can share it with someone who walks the World as I do. And it will help them. 

I’m a bit tense in the video in some parts because it felt so scary to speak so openly about some of my life experiences as a Psychic Medium, Mum, weirdo, nature lover. 

Also please subscribe to my Youtube channel then I can get my own name on it. Not my kids Dads name. 

I just need 100 subscribers. I’m at 80.

Feel free to drop me a voice message or text me your story. If it helps you. I’ll hold it close to my heart. 

 I’m with you on the journey. 

Arohanui ~ Love



My journey of emerging.

I made this beautiful cloak in 2009. 

It took me hours and hours. 

It was a huge but amazing process. 

I still remember how proud I was. 

My Tupuna (ancestors) worked with me to bring it through. 

This is my beautiful cousin Katie wearing it. 

I created every single feather from silk I had hand dyed. 

The cloak I hand felted from silk and merino. 

The inside is hand stitched with my journey of coming out as a Matekite ( seer, psychic, special intuition)

It is customary to give your first cloak away. 

A letter to my sistars and daughters

A letter to you my amazing Sistars and daughters

Go gently on yourself today

Save some of your precious energy for you

Don’t give your work 150% and run yourself ragged and into the ground.

Give less and you’ll still do the same amazingly great job.

I love you and I’m so proud of you.

As women we are taught to give our all to partners, work, children

And anyone that needs help!

Don’t give your all

And burn yourself out

Hold a little back for you

Keep it guarded


Tucked under your precious cloak

Just for YOU


Don’t burnout

Over giving

Don’t sell your soul down the river

There is another way.

We are precious

And so is our energy and value.

Keep a little for you

And only you


We are carving new pathways for ourselves and all women

By doing this.

Standing strong in our Mana

Putting our precious selves first.

We are sacred,

And must treat ourselves this way


We can leave our aroha (love) with others we hold dear.

But call back our energies and all those sacred pieces of us that are with others.

Call them home

Back to us

Making us stronger

Giving us a strong foundation to live from.

I am with you in this

When one of us rises

And takes care of ourselves

We ALL rise

Aroha ~ love


📸Belinda Brown Photography

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me

I offer these FREE every Saturday on my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday 3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too.

Danielle’s words from her experience on

FREE Live Psychic Medium Readings.

💕I personally loved that I received some understanding from my brother surrounding his reasons for leaving as I knew the truth within but simply needed that confirmation for my brain to process it humanly lol.

I loved how you mimicked him and mum so it gave me the reassurance that they are back to their best version of self.

It really soothed me knowing that they are aware of what I am doing and how I honoured their lives. Your readings just provide so much relief in times of such grief.💕

Lisa - Jane Myers

The Māori Medium

Mothers day expectations

I often find Mother’s Day and all of those days where a lot of significance and meaning is piled upon them -so intense.

Like Christmas Day, Easter time.

New Year’s Eve. Birthdays. All the days!

There is the lead up and the massive highs and lows of emotions before it.

The expectations of how the day should go. All this ridiculous expectation of being surrounded with family, love, friends, fluffy bunny rabbits and rainbows. Oftentimes it’s just not like that. Not at all.

Navigating all these peaks and troughs is so intense.

There was a time when I would try to numb out all of this with alcohol. But now I’d get an a**wooping if I did that.

I knew before Mother’s day what would help me to step out of that, for just a moment.

Of feeling the collective grief around Mother’s day and my own grief about it.

Of being a Mother and being Mothered.

Being so overwhelmed with it and taken over by it.

So I opened up my work schedule to a couple of clients who had reached out to me as their Mothers had recently passed away. I usually take the day of on Sundays. But I knew this was gonna help them along and in some ways me and us all.

It was truly beautiful to bring through their dear Mothers from the other side. Opening up the most amazing conversation bringing love, healing and magical moments of connection.

Stepping out of my own World. My own grief. And yet in some way this healing coming through for us all. Spirit works like that. In such wonderful ways.

If you are still coming off the back of an intense Mother’s Day please send me a heart and I’ll bring you into the healing.

I am with you on the journey.




The Māori Medium

📸 Bruce Simons

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me on Saturdays 

10am on Instagram @themaorimedium. 

I give FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings 

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday  3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too. 


So many beautiful moments with Trisha’s dear Mother coming through.

As a Psychic Medium oftentimes the ways in which your dearly departed loved ones communicate with me is to have me mimic them. 

On our last LIVE I was explaining to Trisha that her Mother would come and spend time with her and was sitting in the chair in her dining room/lounge area. Then I started to rock as I said this. As her Mum showed me where she would sit. 

Trisha said it was a rocking chair and that she loved knowing her Mum was sitting there with her. It gave her so much comfort. 

Such precious moments knowing our dearly departed loved ones are close by supporting and loving us. They’ll do anything to let you know they are there. 


I am with you on the journey ~

Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium


Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

So many beautiful moments with Trisha’s dear Mother coming through.

As a Psychic Medium oftentimes the way in which your dearly departed loved ones communicate with me is to have me mimic them.

I was explaining to Trisha that her Mother would come and spend time with her and was sitting in the chair in her dining room/lounge area. Then I started to rock as I said this. As her Mum showed me where she would sit.

Trisha said it was a rocking chair and that she loved knowing her Mum was sitting there with her. It gave her so much comfort.

Such precious moments knowing our dearly departed loved ones are close by supporting and loving us. They’ll do anything to let you know they are there.

Come and join me on Saturdays

10am on Instagram @themaorimedium.

I give Free LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday 3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too


Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium


Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

JOIN me for 

FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings 

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday  3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

On Instagram @themaorimedium

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too

Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium


Reschedule Free Readings

Hello everyone 

No Free Live Psychic Medium Readings for tomorrow 

But expect an improvement in the production quality in my next Live on



24 April 2021

Happy weekend to you all

Aroha ~ love


The Māori Medium


Māori Proverb

Poipoia te kakano

Kia puawai

Nurture the seed and it will blossom

Artwork by Lisa - Jane Myers


Free live Psychic Medium Readings

Those precious moments when we know our dearly departed loved ones are with us ~ now and always. 

This photo shows that. 

As we spoke with her dear Grandmother. 

Join me on my FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings on Saturdays

On Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday  3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too

Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium



~ Dreams~

Do you keep a journal of your dreams?

I have been and I am finding it really interesting writing down my dreams.

Noticing when I have had a visitation from a deceased loved one or a premonition.

Or working out something that has happened in my waking life that I am processing and getting a deeper understanding of.

I started doing this as I would regularly discuss my dreams with my close friend.

She would say in the following weeks you dreamt that was going to happen.

You already knew that,

It has been really helpful noting down my dreams.

Sometimes they make sense at the time and sometimes not until weeks later.

Also I noticed last night I had really intense dreams after watching a movie that had a bit of violence in it.

I had to watch it, it is a legendary New Zealand movie called Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

I don't really watch many movies with any level of violence in them as I am so sensitive.

This quality makes me good at my work but I have to take a little more care because of this.

Do you notice your sensitivity and how it makes you highly attuned and psychic?

Have you had visitations or what you felt were visitations from loved ones in dream time?

I often will look up dream meanings on google too.

This helps especially when my dreams have been of someone passing away or in an accident.

Or dreams that have freaked me out a little.

As it isn't always the obvious meaning of the dream it can be something quite different. It really helps.

I will feel into the dream meaning and also whether I feel it is a premonition or not.

I would love to hear your experiences or send me a message.

~I am with you on the journey.



