Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

So many magical moments and communication with this divine Mumma and her little one she lost at 

18 months old. 

On my Free Live Psychic Medium Readings on Saturdays. 

Bringing your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too💛

Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium


FREE Live Psychic Medium Readings


JOIN me tomorrow for

FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings 

on Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday 2pm (California time)

Friday 5pm (New York time)

Friday 9pm (London time)

To bring your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too💛

Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

JOIN me tomorrow for

FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings 

on Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday 2pm (California time)

Friday 5pm (New York time)

Friday 9pm (London time)

To bring your dearly departed loved ones through and your Pets on the other side too💛

Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium


Free LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

JOIN me tomorrow for

FREE Live Psychic Medium Readings

on Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Friday 2pm (California time)

Friday 10pm (London time)

To bring your dearly departed loved ones through💛

Aroha ~ Love


Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium


Magical moments in my day

I received a beautiful photo of my Great Great Grandmother and of course I’d never met her. She died in 1905.

So I sat with her and asked her to come through me and tell me a little about her life. Also what happened and why she had died at the young age of 47.

As I wrote and wrote our conversation down. I noticed that we had a few similarities apart from looking a little similar.

It was such a beautiful experience. I finished up and had a lot of energy surging through me afterwards. So I grabbed my sons pastels and started to draw.

I ended up with this which is now a lovely reminder of my time spent with her.

It is amazing to me really that I come from her. Part of her is within me physically always.

Magical moments in my day.



Māori & Proud

I remember only a few years ago being in a brief intense relationship with an English born man.

He would often speak to his family on FaceTime.

He would never let me come on the screen.

Or be seen by them

He said that when we travelled to the UK that they would have trouble with me being a Māori.

One of the many reasons to get the hell out apart from his scary narcissistic temper and controlling ways.

You messed with the wrong woman !

Do you not know who I am and who my ancestors are.

Māori and proud!

Ngati Tama


Trauma recovery

Trigger warning

Phone client testimonial 


Lisa was able to confirm for me that I was sexually abused when I was young. She had done the same thing for my cousin. I always knew it was true but I was told to keep quiet about it when I spoke to my Parent about it. So I doubted myself.

Then we did a Soul retrieval as he stole so much of my childhood and I also asked around all my cousins if he had done it to them too.  

I’m getting my life back !

Lisa- Jane Myers

The Māori Medium

Artwork by me


Come and join me on my new membership community.

For the launch I have a PROMO code AROHA you get FREE access to all my content.

I created this membership for a few reasons. The main one is that I never understood what was happening with me as a Psychic Medium when I was growing up. 

We never had the internet then and I didn't know that it was my ancestors and deceased loved ones trying to connect with me. I didn't understand that it was them visiting me in dream time. I didn't realise all those times what was happening when I was receiving divine guidance. And I wished I had access to communities like this one. 

I want to provide a beautiful space here for you to grow and feel understood and have your gifts nurtured and honed. 

I will do my best to share many of my experiences and do some teaching along the way as well.

I also wanted to create a membership community that I cannot be banned, silenced or thrown off at a moment's notice.

Let’s create this community together. 


Listening up to the guidance I received

Listening up to the guidance I received ~

My Uncle who passed away has been in my ear

Gently nudging me

Which became more amped up in the last week

To get my brake pads checked in my car

He has always come to me when something needs fixing on my vehicle

or in the house

Well I listened and booked my car in to see if in fact I did need new brake pads

I said to the mechanic

I am pretty sure I could hear that the right front one needs changing

It was making a strange noise sometimes

No he said it wouldn't have been making any noises

But yes you're right you do need new brakes on all of them.

He looked at me a little puzzled as I kept saying I just knew I needed them.

I didn't say anymore and booked my car in to get them done

A big shout out and thanks to my Uncle on the other side.

He’s always right and right there !

Lisa - Jane Myers

The Māori Medium


Oh my dear heart


Oh my dear heart

So many heart opening moments

It really is the highlight of my week doing these

Free LIVE Psychic Medium Readings on my instagram every Saturday💛


Moments in time as a Psychic Medium~

It was 2013 and I was staying with a beautiful family in India

Father had passed away a few years earlier

He was gone way to soon

There I was staying in his home with his sons and their Mum 

With a bit of translation I had sat with her

and her son 

We spoke gently a few days before and bought her husband through

It was brief as her grief was still very immense

So we left it

A few days later there she was preparing dinner 

It was cold so I went and wrapped up warm before coming back to help her

I went and stood beside her

I had my comfortable woollen striped top on and I had pulled the blanket off the bed

Wrapped it around my waist 

And shuffled up next to her to cook the dinner

I only spoke a little Hindi so we communicated by action mostly

She looked at me and what I was wearing and the way I was standing 

She began to cry

And kept crying

I called for her son and asked what was happening

He came out into the kitchen and asked her if she was alright...

He explained to me that his Father used to stand in the exact same way as I was doing

In his striped top with the exact same blanket wrapped around his waist

And would look at her the same way as I was

She told him she was so taken aback that I appeared and was wearing and doing the exact same thing as her dear husband had done most Winter nights after he returned from work.

Our deceased loved ones will do anything to let it be known that they are right close by loving and supporting us. 

Aroha~ love 



Instagram precious moments

Would you like to understand how you can sense your dearly departed loved ones around you. And how you can communicate with them?

Would you like to understand more about how Psychic Mediums work and bring through your deceased loved ones in spirit?

Do you ask yourself but how can I know it is really them?

Please come over to my Instagram page @themaorimedium.

I have many saved videos you can watch to learn more in my IGTV.

And in the meantime your deceased loved ones are only a whisper away and always, always with you.

I am with you on the journey

Aroha ~ love



Special moments in my work

It has been beautiful through my work as a Medium 

to give voice to those with Dementia who cannot speak

It was just last week 

I was on a Platform called Clubhouse giving free live readings

I was with a lovely American woman who wanted to bring through her Great Grandmother

She desperately wanted to know what her Grandmother wanted as she has dementia

She hoped her Great Grandmother would be able to help with this.

She wanted to know whether Grandmother was comfortable in the Nursing home or if she wanted to be bought home with the family.

Not wanting to move her if she was comfortable.

So we opened up conversation with Great Grandmother on the other side.

Then suddenly all of these visions started flooding in and I knew who Grandmother was for her family before she became unwell with Dementia.

She was vivacious and the centre of their very large family

Everyone coming and going from her to seek advice, laughter, love, food and just to be around her beautiful big energy. 

And now she was experiencing herself as stuck to the bed

and missing all the movement and energy of everyone around her all the time.

All she wanted was to be home for her final days

As I bought through her mannerisms and explained her, and what she wanted, everything rang true and resonated for her Grand daughter 

She cried with relief

And knew and could feel it in her heart as we all spoke - that was what her Grandma really wanted.

Everyone was happy now, Grandmother, Granddaughter and Great Grandmother.

This job really did choose me.

Psychic Medium

The Māori Medium


You are deeply loved

This week as we approach Valentines day

Look around you and focus on all the LOVE you have in your life

It could be the sisterly love from the sisterhood.

A bro mate

Who doesn't say much

But you sure can feel his love

Maybe it's a sibling who is your ride or die

Your sweet pet who gives you unconditional love

The beautiful Nature spot you go to where she recharges and loves you.

Your Grandmother or dearly departed loved one in Spirit

Who you know is closeby and always loving you no matter what

Please look for all those ways in which you are deeply loved

And bring them into your heart

I am with you on the journey

Aroha ~ love




When the connection is made

It was a beautiful moment

One of the many

I was heavily pregnant with my third baby

16 years ago

I had decided I wanted to have my own stage show

Giving Psychic Medium Readings

So I did just that

I was delighted to see the crowd

And feel the excitement in the air

I gave many readings but there was one that has stuck with me

For many years

A woman came up on the stage with me

Her husband had recently passed away

And she said she wanted to connect with him

He told me he had been patiently waiting for her to come up on the stage

And that he had been gently nudging her along

He told me to loving stroke my forearms and ask her about this

And what it was about

Well she started to cry

So we took a moment

It is always then that I know it will be something significant that they shared

When she stopped crying she went on to tell me

how much she adored his forearms

And that she would sit and stroke them lovingly for hours

There were so many beautiful moments shared in their communication that night

But that one has always remained with me

Aroha ~ love


📸belinda brown photography


Love in action

Love in action~

This was back in 2012, it seemed completely natural to me

As the Medium

that I would be able to bring through

my clients Mother who had only recently passed away

She only spoke Russian

I didn't even give it a second thought

She was able to easily express to me what she wanted to say

from the other side

Quite a lengthy conversation it was

and I was able to bring it through for her daughter in English

So many beautiful moments


Free LIVE readings on my Instagram

Giving free LIVE Readings yesterday on my Instagram page filled my heart up.

Bringing in lovely peoples deceased loved ones.

These incredible sisters sitting in Quarantine in Auckland.

Bringing through their dear Father who passed away and they didn't get to see him because of Covid restrictions.

Some beautifully divine moments with their Dad he even had me dancing. As he loved to dance. To show it was him. We all danced on the LIVE.

Please join me on my Instagram page @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am New Zealand time

Friday 1pm California time

Friday 9pm London time


LIVE free readings on Instagram

Join me again

This Saturday

10am (New Zealand time)

1pm Friday (California time)

12am Friday (UK time)

I absolutely loved giving readings LIVE on my Instagram page last Saturday @themaorimedium

Bringing my lovely people together with their deceased Loved ones in spirit.

Sharing messages of love and feeling the beautiful healing happening and us shedding a few tears too.

Arohanui ~ with love



Live free readings on my instagram


I absolutely loved giving readings Live on my Instagram page yesterday. 

Bringing my lovely people together with their deceased loved ones in spirit. 

Sharing messages of love and feeling the beautiful healing happening and us shedding a few tears too. 

Thank you everyone I couldn’t do what I love without you. 

I will do this again soon. 

I will keep you posted here. 

Take care

Arohanui ~ love


My Dads presence

There I was in my kitchen yesterday

Hello Dad I said

As my children didn't bat an eyelid

I was buzzing around cooking and felt strongly his presence

Come right in on my left side

There was no mistaking it was him

My Father who has mild dementia often comes to me

And he has been a lot in the past week

He lives 700 kilometres away

Which in New Zealand is a long way

Anyhow this last week he has been appearing next to me alot

Mostly when I have been in my kitchen

This happens for me with people who have passed away

That’s normal for me

But I never knew until about 10 year ago that this can happen

with people who are still alive

Of course it made sense to me

As we are all spirit and connected

Just like we can know when the phone rings who it will be

We feel them, feel their presence first often

For me it is reassuring

Because just as I talk to my deceased loved ones on the other side

I talk to my Dad

and send him love

and also I asked him what he's doing showing up in my kitchen empty handed!!

This photo taken by my friend Belinda last Summer made me laugh

When I saw it

It could absolutely be my Dad

That is how he would walk the beach

T-shirt over his head

Doing his own thing

Aroha ~ love


📸Belinda Brown photography
