Linking you with your deceased loved ones

I am Lisa

I am a Psychic Medium

In Māori culture we are referred to as Matekite

a seer, clairvoyant, having special intuition. 

Bereavement though part of life, can be so devastating. 

Could you imagine a bridge between me and your dearly departed loved one.

I have been trained to bring together clients with their deceased loved ones. 

It is a gentle process and I have over 15 years of experience.

I may be able to get you there.

It is completely possible over the phone that we can make this happen.

For you knowing that your dearly departed beloved is just a whisper away, that you are not alone. That they are forever with you, loving and supporting you.

I understand your grief I am right there alongside you as you grieve and we walk this path together. 


April 2019

I lost my Dad 7 weeks ago this week. 

A couple of weeks after he had gone my dear dear Lisa-Jane and I had a session. 

I will be forever grateful for her Mahi/work. 

For her inspiration and ability, her gift to communicate and share with those both sides of the veil. 

Thank you Lisa-Jane for helping me with the grieving process and sharing your gift with me. 

I will be forever grateful.

Link to book in (in bio)



Facing myself head on in 2020

I bow to the year that was 2020

You taught me so many things

I was forced to look into those deep dark corners of myself

I didn't want to go near

I didn't want the light shone in there

I wanted to continue old habits

old ways

Run away from things that felt uncomfortable

Not face them head on

Being in those lockdowns taught me soooo much

Being faced with unresolved stuff

The silence was often so deafening

The being indoors

A lot of my freedoms gone

Not being able to escape to things I would normally do

Like Nature

Connecting with friends & family face to face

Seeing all the ways I used to avoid facing myself

and try and run away from myself

For years I had felt uncomfortable about having a little glass of red wine every night

Either while I cooked dinner or with dinner

I would justify it by saying it was only a small glass

I had bought this ornate tiny glass at the thrift shop

But I would wrestle with myself every dam day

Beat up on myself

About the fact that on some level I needed that glass of Red

To me it was soul destroying

Because I felt like an alcoholic and as though I was hiding something

And I knew I was 

To me I was

Because when it came to quitting it

I had so much anger and rage inside of me

About stopping

I was struck by this and wondered if I gave up the red wine

Where would I then put/channel these emotions

How would I deal with them

I hard to turn and face myself

Well actually I didn't  have to

I just went ok  this is it 

In the middle of the Level 4 Lockdown 

That was 25 May 2020

I don't really like to be to rigid about things

generally in my life

But I dunno really, something inside of me

has just wanted to stick with this

not having a drink

not having the need for it

I noticed for a while after how I hit the dark chocolate a bit harder

But that soon levelled out

I guess for me it just felt good to not have to walk through

 that daily beating up on myself about it

It felt like a choke hold

And I wanted that gone, gone,gone.

Maybe one day I will have a glass of vino again

But for now it's so empowering, 

not having the energy of that around and within me.

I certainly understand the battle with it

That's for sure, it’s super intense. 


With love & Thanks

With love and thanks to all my amazing clients. 

Thank you for sharing your precious time with me. I am deeply grateful. 

You are extraordinary, courageous, brave and a shining light. 

Give yourself a big hug and do something extra lovely for yourself today, and everyday. 

Take care of yourself this holiday season. 

Arohanui ~ Love



lovely words from my client

Client testimonial - 2016

I have been working with Lisa for the past several years while going through a lot of big changes in my life. 

She has given me great insight as to the inner working of several very complex situations which has helped me immensely. 

I trust her vision and feel that I, as well as some people in my life, have benefited greatly from the healing and grounding energy she offers during our phone sessions, in addition to the intuitive aspects of the reading.

Māori Medium - Matekite


those dark nights of the Soul~


I don’t pay attention to the World ending. 

It has ended for me many times

And began again in the morning 


This is NOT a sympathy post

So please don’t send me sympathy or think there is something going on. 

I just want to express myself to bring hope. 

Even if it’s just the smallest amount of hope for you. 

~I am with you on the journey



This is early 2017 walking with one of my children. 

My life has ended many, 

many times since then. 

It has felt unbearable. 

So many dark nights of the Soul. 

It has felt lonely and excruciating. 

Like I wouldn’t get through. 

And yet when I look back I was right on the edge of a newer me. 

A stronger, somehow wiser version of myself.

I wished I had known that during those rock bottom times.

That was what was happening. 

That I was shedding old versions of myself that sure as hell weren’t working for me. 

In fact they were killing me 

Strangling the life out of me.

My soul was asking me to stand up for myself. 

Walk in my truth. 

Speak up for myself and not stay where abuse was being served up at the table. 

By friends, family or in my intimate relationships. 

All I could trust was my deep inner knowing telling me

And my body

I could feel it, 

It would wake me at night and tell me the truth of what was going on

Every single time

It was right

I just had to trust it 

Trust my bodies wisdom

Trust myself 

Take action.

Most of all though,

I had to know that I am never alone 

That I always have my (Tupuna) Ancestors and whanau (family) on the other side

Supporting me 

Loving me 

Walking with me. 

Whispering wisdom gently into my ear.

Guiding me.

Take care

You matter

You are important

I am wishing you Peace and Strength

~I am with you on the journey



Medicine Mandala


I was going to attach a sweet saying to this Medicine Mandala but somehow this seemed most fitting.

Do no harm but take no sh*t


Lovely words from my client


These beautiful words from my client who came for a face to face appointment.

I feel so honoured to have been part of this truly beautiful experience.

My name is Deanna.

I went to see Lisa,in hope that I would get the opportunity to speak to someone who had passed.

Lisa warmly invited me in. I felt comfortable straight away, and was intrigued with the energy I could feel from Lisa.

Our session blew my mind. I was lucky enough to get to meet my biological father who has passed.

He never new I existed when he was alive.

Meeting someone for the first time in this way was so special. I am so lucky to have had this experience.

Lisa has an incredible gift. I cant thank her enough.

My experience was very unique and something I love to share . I often think about our session, it brings me a huge amount of joy.

Thank you again Lisa

❤ Artwork by me


Kia ora, hello friends and family

I am sending you out some aroha ~ love and good wishes for your day today. 


I am with you on the journey 





Māori Medium

I am Lisa

I am a Psychic Medium

In Māori culture we are referred to as Matekite

a seer, clairvoyant, having special intuition.  

Bereavement though part of life, can be so devastating. 

Could you imagine a bridge between me and your dearly departed loved one.

I have been trained to bring together clients with their deceased loved ones. 

It is a gentle process and I have over 15 years of experience.

I may be able to get you there.

It is completely possible over the phone that we can make this happen.

For you knowing that your dearly departed beloved is just a whisper away, that you are not alone. That they are forever with you, loving and supporting you.

I understand your grief I am right there alongside you as you grieve and we walk this path together. 


April 2019

I lost my Dad 7 weeks ago this week. 

A couple of weeks after he had gone my dear dear Lisa-Jane and I had a session. 

I will be forever grateful for her Mahi/work. 

For her inspiration and ability, her gift to communicate and share with those both sides of the veil. 

Thank you Lisa-Jane for helping me with the grieving process and sharing your gift with me. 

I will be forever grateful.

Link to book in



Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

Our Deepest Fear

By Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light, not our darkness

That most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? 

You are a child of God.

Your playing small 

Does not serve the world. 

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking 

So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, 

As children do. 

We were born to make manifest 

The glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; 

It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, 

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we're liberated from our own fear, 

Our presence automatically liberates others.

Artwork by me


Kia ora lovelies

This is NOT a political post.

I have written and deleted so many posts in the last 6 weeks. Wanting to close off a huge side of my life and myself to social media and the world.

I have been in and out of deleting all my accounts on social media and just having one platform ( (and my blog) that I’d be on and who ever that wanted to join me there could.

Neither options have felt good or right.

I have become tired of all the censoring and lack of freedom of speech on social media and seeing it being heavily policed. Which has seemed like an extension of that with the lockdowns. And then having to see the orange man and all his bs all over the news and internet constantly.

I am not sure of where I want to be, but for now I’ll sit on the fence and hang out. And wait until I know.

I am what you call an HSP highly sensitive person. Which is my super power. It helps me immensely in my mahi (work) as a Psychic Medium. But it also means I need to be super vigilant about taking care of myself and what I take in, in terms of energy, chaos, drama and general blah in my life and also what’s flying around in the Ether’s too. I need to clear my energy after such interactions or absorbing horrible stuff by mistake. Even seeing something horrid that most people would be ok with can affect me. Unless I clear myself off. Which I do, do. But I like to have the option of whether I want to see it or not.

Having Boundaries, some very good boundaries.

Also being off social media means I am not up to date with how my friends, family and clients are, and that’s important to me. I really love the connections that I have with my friends locally and around the world.

That actually saved me during our full on Level 4 lockdown here in New Zealand.

I am just trying to find a happy medium in all of this and be a Happy (Psychic) Medium too !! I am with you on the journey~ Aroha Lisa 🌼



I have always wanted to play an instrument, 

My daughters ukulele was here in the cupboard. 

So I got it out painted a Mandala on it because I knew she’d love that.  

And apart from that most things in this house get a Mandala painted on them 

or get shaped into one like the fruit and veges too !!

Then I started to learn to play the Ukulele. 

I noticed how impatient I am with myself. 

I wanted to be really good at it like right away. 

But I watch my gardenia grow in the pot and it grows slowly and steadily if I lovingly water it and put it in the Sunshine. 

I noticed I need to be doing the same with learning the ukulele and for that matter with everything I do. 

Patience, patience, patience

slowly, slowly 

taking small steps



Client testimonial

Client testimonial 

The Meihana Healing Clinic

April 2020

I was led to finding Lisa as if it was meant to be. 

Working with her has been life changing.

She has a unique gift and it’s my hope that as many people in the world can experience what I have. 

Lisa has a powerful way of accessing different layers of perception and is able to call forth people from your life, past and present and act as a gateway for the hidden to be visible. 

I had been working on issues in my life for decades that have caused enormous pain and in one hour Lisa was able to manifest all that was needed to finally heal what I thought could never be healed. 


Bringing through my messages from the other side

A glimpse into what some of my clients experience with me as the Psychic Medium. 

This can be over the phone or in face to face appointments. 

Oftentimes their deceased loved one has come to me before the clients appointment time.

They will let themselves be known.

I like to say a little hello, acknowledge them and ask them to please come back when I am with my client.

Years ago I had to put in boundaries

As I had a deceased loved one come to me at 2am. 

I let him know when my opening hours were and sure enough he came through the next day for his ex wife.

Oftentimes I take on the mannerisms

Tone of voice

Quietness or excitement

of the deceased loved one

One Dad almost had me climbing the walls he was so excited

He was like this in real life too

So his son knew it was him. 

Oftentimes I am so overwhelmed with tears 

With the love that is coming through

From the person that has passed away

To my client

I just don't have words big enough to explain the Love 

That is coming through my body

My clients can feel it instead

As it passes through them

and fills them up

It is the most beautiful experience

Many healing tears are shed

And they are bought closer

Through these experiences 

I had a client whose daughter had passed away

Her daughter towered over her Mum 

She leapt in front of me and showed me how she used to pick up her Mum and hug her really tightly

And swing her around

Every time she saw her Mum

I shared this with my client 

She cried because she felt all of this come through me and knew it was her daughter. 

Your deceased loved ones will do their best to let you know it’s them. 

So that you can know that they are ALWAYS with YOU. 

Loving and supporting YOU. 

I often experience this with clients 

Who have loved ones who are still alive too

But unable to communicate

Maybe they have dementia

Or for some reason are not able to speak and communicate and express how they feel

So they will come through me

To let their loved one know

How loved and appreciated they are

They are able to share all sorts of things

As the Medium it’s so beautiful 

To be part of this divine process

All my love 

I am with you on the journey. 


Lisa-Jane Myers 

Psychic Medium & Māori Shamanic healer

📸Belinda Brown photography 


Beautiful Feedback from phone client

Beautiful feedback from my phone client.

Thank you again for Saturdays session Lisa

💚 Wonderful to feel you sharing your gifts, it was powerful beyond words. . Feeling blessed by the exchange ✨ ☺️ strengthened!!
keep up the ātaahua mahi wairua,

I'd like to send a few ppl your way x

(ātaahua mahi wairua~ beautiful spiritual work)

The Meihana Healing Clinic

Link in bio to book in


A Healing Mandala

I sat yesterday

Late afternoon and blurred out all the background noise of the media,

about the lockdown,

and covid

And also the storm happening outside

It’s so much for an empath and I started to draw

that is often my go to happy place and being out in Nature

We were having a big storm

Yesterday felt like storms

in a lot of directions

It was good to sit quietly and draw and then bring nature in with the flowers

Drawing a Mandala always brings me

Back to my centre

Healing Mandala

Take care

Aroha Lisa 🌼


Healing sessions

Ko Parapara toku maunga

Ko Pariwhakaoho toku awa

Ko Ngati Tama toku iwi

Ko Tokomaru toku waka

Ko Tai Tapu toku moana

Ko Onetahua toku marae

Ko Lisa Jane Myers toku ingoa

I am a Psychic Medium & Māori Shamanic healer. I am Matekite. 

in Mangawhai, Northland. 

Sessions can be done over the phone or face to face

Empowering and precious moments in

The Meihana Healing Clinic

Sitting with her

I was able to access that deep dark place

with her permission

That hid the rage, shame, guilt and her precious voice

I was able to access her anger for her

Her rage

She had kept quiet for years

Carrying the shame of being raped

It had spiralled her into a deep depression

Now she was with me and safe

I was able to be with her and bring up the rage on her behalf

She watched me and felt me bring it up out of her body 

I roared and fucken roared on her behalf

She had been crippled by silence and shame

and was to scared to reach it

To go there

What if she spiralled into an even deeper depression by accessing it on her own

Now we were together ~with the Grandmother guides)

We would all bring up every bit of that rage 

and the shame and guilt that was not hers

I looked her in the eyes and told her

It was NOT your fault

I did this over and over until I could see she was starting to believe it

and so was her body

That had been holding the memory and trauma of this 

We would make sure she was no longer holding this shame

it was not hers

I could feel her body releasing it


she was being held,

listened to,



We would get her back

Most of all she would get herself back.


This testimonial from my phone client. 

I am so grateful for my work with Lisa, a very talented and intuitive healer and medium. 

She was able to clear layers of generational shame from both sides of my family and negative energy from multiple ancestors. 

After our sessions, I have felt strongly connected with several family members who have passed away, some of whom I never had a chance to meet in person. 

Our work together has brought me deep healing and peace around the circumstances of my conception and birth - something I thought could never happen in this lifetime! 

I felt very safe and closely held during our sessions over the phone, which is impressive given the deep and personal nature of our work. 

I highly recommend working with Lisa to anyone who is interested in clearing negative energy, communicating in a meaningful way with those on the other side, or finding clarity in difficult situations.

Here is the link if you would like to book in with me

All my Social media links are on here

#ngatitama #teatiawa #ngatirangi #ngatiraukawa



Lisa - Jane Myers

The Meihana Healing Clinic

📸 Belinda Brown photography


On being a Psychic Medium

As a Psychic Medium, I am often asked how is it possible to connect with your deceased loved ones through a Medium?

As I am with you, whether over the phone or in person.  I drop into that deep quiet space where I can feel the spirit of your deceased loved one.

More often than not they are already there waiting for us to talk. Sometimes they will come to me before our session. They will introduce themselves before you arrive. 

I feel their presence and start to get a deep sense of them. They will show me how they look. Oftentimes they will dress up for the occasion. They will show me their eyes or something distinctive so that I can share this with my client, so that they know it is them.

I will confirm how they look or their mannerisms, also the very unique things they will say to me that only the both of you knew and shared.

Sometimes they even have me act or gesture like they did.

Once many years ago I was with a women, her husband had passed. I was doing a stage show as a Psychic Medium. I started to stroke my forearms a lot. I asked her, why is he making me stroke my forearms? She cried and cried and smiled. Oh she said I loved his forearms and used to stroke them all the time. It was a beautiful thing we shared.

She definitely knew it was him then. And was able to ask some questions about the house and some things that needed sorting out since he had passed away.

I had a client come and see me as her dear friend had passed away. the month before. Since then my client had been waking up at 3am every morning with a loud buzzing in her ears. She was getting exhausted and fed up with it. It was indeed her friend trying to get her attention as she had been putting off the memorial service as she hadn't managed to get all the details from her friend before she passed of what she wanted. Her friend was trying to wake her and give her the details. We were able to bring her friend through and get all the details of how she wanted her service to go. My client was so relieved and from then on was not interrupted during her precious sleep time.

It becomes so evident it is them the more that is shared. It is information that I can bring through as the Medium that only they knew and shared.

Even pets come through. I had a client years ago. When she was a teenager she had a dog, her Parents separated and her dog was her constant loving companion. Her dog passed away after a few years and she was devastated. He came through in the reading and he was smiling at me. I have never had a Pet dog so I thought surely dogs don't smile. But he kept smiling at me so I told her and did this really cheesy smile.  She laughed and laughed and then cried huge relief.  She said he used to smile and smile at her and make her laugh. He had bought her so much love and comfort in those really tough times.

I love my work as a Psychic Medium!


Lisa - Jane Myers


Empowering moments in the Meihana Healing Clinic

Empowering and precious moments in

The Meihana Healing Clinic

Sitting with her I was able to access that deep dark place

with her permission

That hid the rage, shame, guilt and her precious voice

I was able to access her anger for her

Her rage

She had kept quiet for years

Carrying the shame of being raped It had spiralled her into a deep depression

Now she was with me and safe I was able to be with her and bring up the rage on her behalf

She watched me and felt me bring it up out of her body 

I roared and fucken roared on her behalf

She had been crippled by silence and shame and was to scared to reach it

To go there

What if she spiralled into an even deeper depression by accessing it on her own

Now we were together ~with the Grandmother guides)

We would all bring up every bit of that rage  and the shame and guilt that was not hers

I looked her in the eyes and told her It was NOT your fault

I did this over and over until I could see she was starting to believe it and so was her body

That had been holding the memory and trauma of this 

We would make sure she was no longer holding this

it was not hers I could feel her body releasing it

Finally, she was being


listened to,



We would get her back

Most of all she would get herself back.


Precious moments with Clients

Those precious moments I experience most days when I am in a session with my client. 

This can be over the phone or face to face. 

The moment my clients hears me share something so special from their deceased loved one. 

I would have no way of knowing. 

The information is so unique and special to them only. 

It can be what I say. 

The tone of my voice. 

The way in which  I explain how they used to pick them up and hug them. 

Their personality and funny little quirks

Or how I explain their favourite shoes. How quiet they were. 

Or what mattered to them. 

Your deceased loved ones will do there best to let you know it’s them. 

So that you can know they are always with you. 

Loving and supporting you. 

You are never alone. 

I am with you on the journey. 


Lisa - Jane Myers

Māori Shamanic Healer & Psychic Medium 

The Meihana Healing Clinic
