Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me


I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Sunday 9:30am (New Zealand time)

Sunday 7:30am (Sydney time)

Saturday 12:30pm (California time)

Saturday 8:30pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s.


Psychic Medium

Precious Moments

At the end of the day it was all the beautiful conversations that I got to have today

That stay with me

Close to my heart

Those precious moments


One of them with the older guy

I saw when I was biking

He was walking

I stopped to chat with him

We spoke of our love for the little town that we live in

And how important it is to keep the culture he called it -alive

By having these conversations

Taking the time to chat and connect

He asked if when I have a haircut I could save some of my hair for the top of his head

I said of course but we might have to sort the colour out

We both chuckled and thought it was hilarious

And as we said goodbye and see you later

We promised we would do our little bit towards keeping the magic alive

We both agreed that more than ever the World needs this right now

It was so very heart warming 💛

Free Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me tomorrow 

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings 

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 9:30am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 7:30am (Sydney time)

Friday 12:30pm (California time)

Friday 8:30pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s. 


Psychic Medium

Reach out

It's a really tough time for many right now.

Please reach out now to a friend you haven't talked to for a while.

Check in on them.

Ask them how they are.

Or call and leave them a lovely message.

That one phone call, one text message to say you are thinking of them.

Could make the biggest difference to them right now.

Love Lisa xx

Free Livestream Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me


I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Sunday 9:30am (New Zealand time)

Sunday 7:30am (Sydney time)

Saturday 12:30pm (California time)

Saturday 8:30pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s.


Psychic Medium

Don’t touch our precious children

DON’T TOUCH our precious children with this experimental j a b!

The NZ G o v t are coming for children aged 5 - 12 years old today 17 January 2022.

I’ll no longer be silent about this.

I won’t ever speak about my client sessions because of confidentiality.

But I will speak of this.

I continue to be saddened and shocked every week at how many of my clients I am speaking with -that have had severe adverse reactions to the experimental

v a x.

Theses include myocarditis , blood clots, heart problems, strokes, numbness through their bodies, severe menstruating and cramps, bleeding more regularly, having periods again when they are in menopause.

Blood noses. Fainting. Miscarriage, still birth and many, many other serious symptoms.

Lethargy, exhaustion, and generally feeling really off and out of sorts.

And let’s also talk about the anger, rage, sadness, grief and trauma that they are dealing with now from being bullied, coerced and many other reasons into having this j a b.

Left feeling disempowered, despondent, concerned, scared and dealing with their symptoms.

And wondering what the hell is going on with them now. And how they can return to good health again.

And in a lot of cases dealing with this silently or being fobbed off by D octors that they can’t find anything wrong with them.

And the g o v t is hiding adverse reactions information -why? Yes that’s a big red fl*g right there.

DON’T TOUCH our precious children!

If I get banned from my social media pages for speaking up. Which a lot of people are for long periods of time.

Please find me at


Arohanui ~ much love


Artwork that is still in progress is by me Lisa - Jane Myers.

Happiest New Year lovelies

Happy New Year lovelies ~ 2022

Goodness gracious that was quite a year!

Some strawberries, crystals

and maiden hair fern

Made into something divine

Because most beautiful things that come into my orbit get turned into a Mandala or a lil Circle of loveliness

…because why not !




With love from Lisa

For YOU from my heart to yours

~Thank you for being a beautiful ray of sunshine in my life

I’m sending you big hugs and heaps of love.

#christmas #mandala #happyholidays #sunshine #andlight



Christmas Special

Kia ora beautiful soul

I just wanted to let you know about the Christmas / New Year special. 

You can book in now and schedule an appointment before the end of 2021
Or anytime in 2022.

~ It is super easy

Christmas Special 

Divine guidance 
20 minute session

$ 85 -now $65-

(New Zealand dollars equivalent to USD $ 45-)

The link to book in

Aroha ~ love


Psychic Medium

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings 

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday  1pm (California time)

Friday 9pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s. 


The Māori Medium

With love from Lisa

I wrote this on Monday and since then it has been a massive week for me and many of my friends and clients.

So it’s a little late but still sent with heaps of aroha.


Kia ora e te whanau ~

Hi everyone

I just wanted to drop in and say a very warm heartfelt hello.

And let you know that I am thinking of you.

It is a big week in New Zealand with the vaccination mandates.

Most people are being affected by this in one way or another.

And some of you may be very deeply affected.

You may be feeling and picking up on the collective grief and sadness around everything that is happening too.

So do take extra care of yourselves.

I am sending you so much aroha ~love through this time.

Remember to call on your benevolent ancestors (Tupuna) and loving guides to deeply support you. 

To come in close and be the wind beneath your wings. 

Remember that we do not operate alone, we have our Tupuna and whanau (family) from the other side with us always.

Ask them to come in as you sleep and bring you deep restorative healing. 

And to my whanau ~clients, friends~overseas I am thinking of you too and sending you so much love.


Much love




Kindness the world needs so much

more of it right now♥️

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday 1pm (California time)

Friday 9pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s.


The Māori Medium

Love is a Powerful force

Love is a powerful force

I often get questions around this in my work as a Psychic Medium.


For example

I didn't have a great relationship with my Father (or Parent) when he was alive?

I wished things could have been better for us and now they have passed away.

I wished I had another chance and things could be better for us?

We butted heads a lot

He wasn't there for me

It was really strained

He was always drunk or angry

And he never approved of me

In my experience with clients who are asking me these kinds of questions and dealing with these kinds of situations

There is a gentle way in which we can work through this in session time

I have many clients who experience being closer to their Parent now.

With them being on the other side

Than they ever did when they were alive

The trauma is talked and worked through with the Parent on the other side

The cycle is broken

and healing begins

Oftentimes there are family members from the other side

who they were close too, with them as well

Bringing through their divine loving presence

And deeply supporting this process.

Love is a powerful force.

And healing is possible.


Much love


The Maori Medium

Empowering moments with my clients

Client testimonial

April 2020

I was led to finding Lisa as if it was meant to be.

Working with her has been life changing.

She has a unique gift and it’s my hope that as many people in the world can experience what I have.

Lisa has a powerful way of accessing different layers of perception and is able to call forth people from your life, past and present and act as a gateway for the hidden to be visible.

I had been working on issues in my life for decades that have caused enormous pain and in one hour Lisa was able to manifest all that was needed to finally heal what I thought could never be healed.

The Māori Medium

For you

I hope that you do something that

brings you joy this weekend.

arohanui ~ much love



Instagram Livestream

Come and join me

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday 2pm (California time)

Friday 10pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s.


The Māori Medium


These beautiful words from my client who came for a face to face appointment.

I feel so honoured to have been part of this truly beautiful experience.

My name is Deanna.

I went to see Lisa,in hope that I would get the opportunity to speak to someone who had passed.

Lisa warmly invited me in.

I felt comfortable straight away, and was intrigued with the energy I could feel from Lisa.

Our session blew my mind.

I was lucky enough to get to meet my biological father who has passed.

He never new I existed when he was alive.

Meeting someone for the first time in this way was so special.

I am so lucky to have had this experience.

Lisa has an incredible gift. I cant thank her enough.

My experience was very unique and something I love to share .

I often think about our session, it brings me a huge amount of joy.

Thank you again Lisa ❤

Artwork by me