Connecting with your Pets who have passed away.

Connecting with your Pets who have passed away.

They all have such distinctive little personalities.

And it is so very clear to their owners that it is them, by the mannerisms they share.

Some come bounding in and have a lot of sass and big presence.

Others dress up for the occasion.

Oftentimes their owner/caregiver has had to make the tough decision to put them down. 

And they are still carrying a lot of guilt about this.

I get to connect with their darling pet and we work this through.

Many tears of relief are shed by the owner.

And their Pet is happy to see that their caregiver is no longer carrying this guilt.

They both get to share many beautiful memories together in reconnecting.

I once was in session with a young woman and she wanted to speak with her beloved dog.

Her dog kept showing me a big cheesy smile.

He was asking me to imitate him.

So I did, her owner cried and cried and said her dog used to do this all the time.

Mostly when she was sad and it cheered her up !

What I always see is your dearly beloved pets with you.

In all the same ways as they were when they were here.

Call on them to come in a little closer and give you some extra tender love and care.

I am with you on the journey,

Much love



The Māori Medium

Latest email newsletter

From my latest newsletter ~

I sincerely hope you are doing well through these challenging times, and that you have everything you need and you feel supported.

It is very testing on so many levels and I know for many of us who are empaths and highly sensitive we are picking up and feeling a lot of what is happening in the collective.  It is our super power but it also means we need to go next level with taking care of ourselves.

Self care

I have been doing my best to step up my self care and making a point of doing more things that I love. I make sure to get out and about everyday. 

Even when I am not feeling it or I have a busy work day. I have been doing my best to create beautiful things, like food, mandala and little artworks. This makes me happy. Beauty makes me happy and it is in the simple things.

The magic of Ashwagandha

At the beginning of this year I got onto taking  Ashwagandha. I am super sensitive and can't take a lot of  supplements but this is brilliant.

It is an Indian herb and easy to find online or in health stores. It is brilliant for stress and anxiety and has calming qualities. It's not expensive and you can take it in a powder or capsule form. The powder is cheaper. It doesn't taste great but I just add it into a little cereal and milk. And take it that way.

You start with quarter of a teaspoon and build up to a teaspoon. How it works is that it builds up in your system over weeks helping with anxiety, stress and depression. 

I hope that you can do lots of little things that you love ~ that bring you loads of joy!

1-1 sessions

Would you like guidance, clarity, wisdom from your guides and ancestors.

To connect with dearly departed loved ones or a deep shamanic healing session

Link to book in

Take care

~I am with you on the journey

Arohanui ~ much love Lisa

My Great Grandmothers

Lovely support they are♥️

I am so happy i can post here Again

My Blog hasn’t been working so I have been MIA for a few weeks.

I hope you’re all doing well.

Arohanui - Much love


Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday 3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s.


The Māori Medium

Love is a Powerful force

Love is a powerful force

I need to gently remind myself of this daily

Turn to my love for myself

Stop the stories I run through my head of the self hatred I have for myself

I learnt this from a young age

To hate myself

To tear myself to shreds

To abuse myself

To take myself into the darkest places

Spiralling into self hate

Not wanting to be here

Listing all the ways in which I had failed in my life

Was a failure

Concentrating on those times

Looking for proof

Eating myself up from the inside out

With this hatred of myself

I tried everything to escape it

mostly alcohol

that just made it worse

and the darkness darker

Nothing worked

It would take digging deep

and loving myself through all the times these feelings and emotions would come up

I have had to be rigorous with myself

Stop myself from going down that path continually

It is so familiar though

To beat myself about the head

Punish myself

Be horrid to myself

I do my best to meet those emotions

Let them arise

and face them head on

with Love

I try to catch myself before I go down that path

and if I do, that is ok too

i just do my best to come back to love

Love of myself

As Love is a Powerful force.

~ Lisa - Jane Myers

The power of love

Some days the pain of what is going on in the World right now

Feels unbearable and heavy

I just need to disappear for a moment

Into the quiet and create something beautiful

I am constantly reminded that LOVE is a powerful force

I have been sharing the most divine moments connecting my clients with their loved ones on the other side

It absolutely warms my heart when their loved ones share something that only they would know and understand

So that they know without a doubt it’s them!

Funny quirks, mannerisms, sayings and moments that they shared.

Knowing in these challenging times their dearly departed loved ones are with them.

Loving, supporting and comforting them💕


The Māori Medium

With Love From Lisa

From my latest newsletter ~

I sincerely hope you are doing well through these challenging times, and that you have everything you need and you feel supported.

It is very testing on so many levels and I know for many of us who are empaths and highly sensitive we are picking up and feeling a lot of what is happening in the collective. It is our super power but it also means we need to go next level with taking care of ourselves.

Self care

I have been doing my best to step up my self care and making a point of doing more things that I love. I make sure to get out and about everyday.

Even when I am not feeling it or I have a busy work day. I have been doing my best to create beautiful things, like food, mandala and little artworks. This makes me happy. Beauty makes me happy and it is in the simple things.

The magic of Ashwagandha

At the beginning of this year I got onto taking Ashwagandha. I am super sensitive and can't take a lot of supplements but this is brilliant.

It is an Indian herb and easy to find online or in health stores. It is brilliant for stress and anxiety and has calming qualities. It's not expensive and you can take it in a powder or capsule form. The powder is cheaper. It doesn't taste great but I just add it into a little cereal and milk. And take it that way.

You start with quarter of a teaspoon and build up to a teaspoon. How it works is that it builds up in your system over weeks helping with anxiety, stress and depression.

I hope that you can do lots of little things that you love ~ that bring you loads of joy!

Discounted session offer

70 minute sessions at $199- (NZD)

These are normally 60 minutes $222- (NZD)

Would you like guidance, clarity, wisdom from your guides and ancestors.

To connect with dearly departed loved ones or a deep shamanic healing session

Link to book in

Take care

~I am with you on the journey

Arohanui ~ much love Lisa


Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai

Nurture the seed and it will blossom.

We all need love and care to fully realise our potential♥️

Some flowers for your day.

I hope you have everything you need.

And you are loved and supported♥️

Join my Telegram community

Yesterday I woke up with a heaviness sitting over my heart and chest

It felt like a heavy depression

Frozen, numb, deep sadness.

I'd had another restless nights sleep

This was quite common now

Especially through lockdown

I couldn't shift it

So I sat in my chair closed my eyes

and asked my guides for some clarity and healing

I cried as I felt the sadness express to me what it was

It was some of my own grief and sadness

As well as what I had been picking up in the collective

What's happening in the collective

For so many of us

Deep despair, sadness and grief around being locked down

Or having our rights and choices taken away from us

I cried some more

I shook

and I let all the emotions pass through me

Then my guides bought Light language through me

I spoke it out loud

It went directly into my heart and body

Healing those places within me and that part of me that is in the collective

That is deeply hurting right now with so many of you

I have always been so resistant to do this

As I have so much fear about being a weirdo

Looking like a weirdo

But if you were on my last FB Livestream with me

You would have seen my council of 9 light being guides come through

and bring healing for all of us who were there

It was beautiful

After sitting quietly

I felt a sense of calm come over me


I could feel the build up of mamae (pain, hurt, sadness)

Had moved through me

Melted after being frozen, stuck, heavy on my heart

That same way I feel after a swim in the sea

Clear, refreshed, like a lot of built up stuff, sadness, distress, noise has left me.

Come and join me

I have created a Community space on Telegram called Aroha Nui

Where I will be doing livestream healings, card readings, sharing healing Mandala I create and so much more.

You can also share on this platform too.

I would love to see you there.



Beautiful things

Today I needed to remind myself of all the beautiful things in the World. 

I’ve been struggling with all the division and h*te in the World right now. 

It’s all over the news and social media. 

Dividing us 

All the righteousness and division around those who have the v a x and those who choose not too. 

As an Empath I feel deeply the energy of the collective. 

It’s been heavy !

The deep despair, disconnect, loneliness, fear, and uncertainty of these times. 

Controls being put in place for those who choose not to v a x yet. 

The stress of locked downs

Families being pulled apart by being lockdown together. 

Or broken hearted by not being able to be together. 

The division and tension between families and friends about whether they are v a x or not. 

It’s immense. 

I wonder if you too have been feeling the collective energy, as well as your own internal distress around dealing with all of this. 

I have been making sure to give myself more of what I need to feel calm, centred and just block out all the unnecessary noise (and news). 

It’s top priority for me right now. 

Today it has been lovely taking a moment to paint something beautiful. 

I could have been cooking or working or any number of things. 

But instead it was lovely to make time for myself to do something I really love. 

Clear out all the noise. 

Sit in the peace and quiet. 

Ahhhhh bliss. 

I’m going all out on self care. 

And part of that means taking time to create beautiful things. 

As often as possible. 

Take care lovelies



Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me in 1 hour

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday 3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s.


The Māori Medium

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings on FB

Join us on Facebook

12noon (New Zealand time)


1 September 2021

FREE Psychic Mediumship Livestream readings from two advanced readers.  

For one hour we will be receiving messages from passed loved ones and spirit guides and sharing these insights with you.

You will need to like to our pages as listed below and we will be selecting people from the comments.

Lisa and Charmaine discovered they have woven a similar path, including years of indigenous experiential and psychic mediumship training.  They share Te Atiawa heritage and have attuned their gifts from childhood passed down from their ancestors. 

Charmaine and Lisa have decided to team up to create this special event in a fun environment with the love and importance of their life’s work….we look forward to seeing you!!

Kotahitanga ~ One Love

For my friends and family who have recently gotten their CV shot or who know they will get one soon, awesome for you. I can see how relieved you are and I’m so glad that this option is available for you!

For my friends who aren’t sure they will get one just yet, or maybe ever, or already know that they never will, I want to throw some love and respect your way, too. I am happy that you have that choice. Medical freedom is important. 

🥰 The wonderful thing about informed consent is that two people with the same information, can make two completely different choices and neither of them is right or wrong. That is what medical freedom is and should be. 

✨ There are benefits and risks to every medical procedure. Doing the “right thing” means you’ve weighed the risks and benefits for yourself, and are making an informed decision! The only wrong decision IMO is made purely out of fear, social pressure or emotional reactivity. If you have researched your decision and are comfortable with it....great! 

What’s right for one person, may be wrong for the other. Both, on an intuitive and biological level. We’re all doing the best we can with the information we hopefully have spent time digging into. 

Let this be a gentle reminder *for all* to please respect each other and be mindful of the message we put out there. 

Is everyone “wrong” because they believe differently than you? They very likely have just as strong of a reason for their choice as you do. 

So whether you choose; 

✅CV shot 

✅No shot 

You’re okay in my books and I respect YOUR DECISION 


You’re NOT ok in my book when you start being rude to others because they made a decision that was BEST for them & different from yours.  

😎 “I've Copied + Pasted because we all need to respect one another and agree to disagree sometimes. 

Just do you🙏🏽

Facebook Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Join me TODAY on Facebook

For FREE Psychic Mediumship

Live readings


19 August


New Zealand time

I will be receiving messages from passed loved ones and spirit guides and sharing these insights with you.

I will be selecting people from the comments section and reading for you.

I look forward to seeing you!


The Māori Medium

Free Live Psychic Medium Readings

Come and join me

I offer FREE LIVE Psychic Medium Readings

On my Instagram @themaorimedium

Saturday 10am (New Zealand time)

Saturday 8am (Sydney time)

Friday 3pm (California time)

Friday 11pm (London time)

Connecting you with your dearly departed loved one’s.


The Māori Medium