Mangawhai Community markets

It’s Saturday tomorrow and I get to be in my favourite place.

I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

~My personal journey with alcohol~

The grip it had on me was all consuming

and frankly it scared me

I'd never let anyone know that

I fought with myself intensely for months

Then for three nights before I knew I was going to stop completely

My Tupuna (ancestors) had been nudging me

It wasn't until I knew I had to give it up

That I realised how scary it was going to be

I couldn't walk this path any longer

I had reduced myself to drinking a small glass of red wine every night

I had purposely bought an ornate glass from the Thrift shop

Pretending it was "just " a small glass

Sometimes it was two glasses

But I needed it every single night

Every night I justified it in some way and I hated myself for it

I hated myself everytime I drank

I hated how I would numb out

The need for the alcohol was so overwhelming it scared me

Summonings all of my energy and strength to do this

What I experienced was nothing short of terrifying

Those three nights I fought a huge black energy above me

This energy wanted to stay in me

With me

Within me

It would not give up the fight

The mental pain was excruciating

It would torture me for hours

Waging full blown terror with me

Spew self hatred into me

Some of this was mine, some of it was not

It had come down through the generations

My body, sweating, rigid, fighting, battling this -that felt and looked like a black reptile

It was powerful as hell

Not letting up

There were moments I wanted to succumb

Who would I be without this.

What would come up in my life -that I wouldn't be able to face without glass of wine or more !

My ancestors there with me

And yet I felt so alone

This energy wanted me to keep feeling that I was alone

That I had no support

Not here in the physical

Nor from my Tupuna -ancestors and my Kaitiaki -spirit guardians

I had used it to numb

Not feel my sadness, deep sadness

Pain, anguish

Some of which wasn't even mine

It was had come down through the generations

The same pain, shame, abuse, deep self hate

Which had been masked with alcohol

I had to fight this and my own deep pain and self hatred.

I was determined and terrified

Three nights it took

The nights were the worst

Flashbacks of pain buried

After the third night I felt a shift

It had left me

I was exhausted

Now the real work would start

Staying on my path

There has been five occasions since then that I have had a drink to" celebrate"

I haven't enjoyed it

For me it has been like taking a sip of alcohol at the same time as taking a sip of self hate.

and that is not for me.

Slaying that demon is where my strength lies and only I can know how this feels.

It gives me strength

and keeps me feeling proud of myself

and that's what I want

No more self hatred.

If you have read down this far- thank you

Arohanui - all my love



On magical moments at Mangawhai market~

It's the unexpected comforting hug

The tears that well up and are released

The beautiful heartfelt conversations I get to have at market

Just standing by my gazebo

These warm my heart so much

So very brave these people are to approach me and chat

Asking how I communicate with their deceased loved ones

Wanting more than ever to believe

After the passing of their loved one

Some have had moments of being shown signs or had their loved one come through in dream time communicating with them

They want to understand it

All while they are grieving

It is lovely to validate their experiences

Because often the visitations and signs from our loved ones can be so very subtle

It is easy to pass them off, or doubt them

I love having these conversations

Some are quick and some we stand and time just disappears

Tears will come out of nowhere

I have tissues at the ready

Rescue Remedy drops and a hug too

Being seen, heard and validated after all - is all we really want

Being listened to is everything - and I have the privilege of being part of these precious moments. Blessed am I.

Mangawhai Community markets

It’s Saturday tomorrow and I get to be in my favourite place.

I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai Community Markets

Every Saturday I get to be in my favourite place.

I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s  $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Māori New Year

Happy New Year whānau - Manawatia ā Matariki ✨

Arohanui- much love



~Mangawhai Community market~

~Mangawhai Community market ~

Tomorrow I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

20 minute session offer

Matariki - Māori New Year special

~ 20 minute sessions

I have just opened up availability for 20 minute sessions

20 minute = $59NZD

($36 USD )

Link below to book in

Mangawhai Community Market

This Saturday I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Kia Kaha Rescue Remedy

My journey with creating the Rescue remedy came out of a need for it for myself

It was 2014

I was learning how to create Plant essences- that go into Rescue Remedy

As part of a Shamanic Healing Practitioner course I was doing

The plant essences that I was making were supporting my own trauma healing

They suited my very sensitive psychic nature and constitution

I'd also studied and work with the Bach plant remedies along time before this

My body responded very really well to these too

So I blended the two and made my very own Rescue remedy

The Remedy works on many different levels with

- Shock, crisis and then as on going support during trauma healing

I used it for myself and my children

Used it with my clients

Gave it away to family and friends for 4 years

Before creating it professionally for sale this year -2023

I'm super grateful to my young son who was very patient with me

Helping me create my beautiful label

This Kia Kaha Rescue Remedy is a continuing work in progress

Just as I had the labels all made up,

the mighty essence of Kauri that I have been working for a while now

Said she was to be imbued in my Kia Kaha

blend and to be wrapped around all the other essences

After all she is Lord of the Forest

My guides bringing through these korero (words) from her- beautiful

So you will see the Remedy is a very beautiful organic process

I have my Tupuna (ancestors) Kaitiaki (Spirit guides) and whanau (family) on the other side

Working with me to grow and evolve this.

I hope this Kia Kaha Rescue Remedy nurtures and supports YOU deeply.


Kakariki Health Store -Mangawhai Village.

Unity Collection

2 Matakana Valley Road


Or come and see me at the Mangawhai Community markets on Saturdays from 9-1pm.

Mangawhai Beach school hall.





~Animal and Pet communication~

This is a beautiful part of my Intuitive work that I really love.

It is so heartwarming having your pets communicate with me through my Spirit guides.

They easily let me know what they may be unwell with

or if they are distressed or would like extra special support in passing over.

As funny as it may seem ~

They will answer all your questions

Bringing you peace of mind amongst many other things

They will explain their cute little personalities, the funny things that they do.

So that you know it's absolutely them

They will give validation in many forms 

Often times having me mimic them 

Which can be hilarious for me

But so amazing for you their owner

Because in those moments there is no mistaking it's them 

It's the most beautiful experience for me as the Psychic Medium

and I know it is for them too - your lovely pets

I meant to mention that I can bring through messages from the other side too- from them.

~This photo is of Kyra~

She is my daughter's and her partners dog

I have been walking her with them and their two other dogs.

I'm scared of dogs as I was attacked when I was young.

By talking with Kyra out loud and psychically as we walk 

It's been lovely building up so much trust with her.

She knows I am a little scared and she goes gently with me

I am forming a lovely little bond with her - and healing my trauma at the same time

Thank you Kyra my darling heart.

Kia kaha rescue remedy

Kia Kaha

Rescue Remedy

Made in Magical Mangawhai

~Deeply restorative support in times of crisis, shock and trauma ~



Postage in NZ


Message me or come and see me at the Mangawhai Community markets.

Look out for my bright blue gazebo with the butterfly painted on the side.

Try out the Tester on the table or purchase using honesty box.

🤍If you see me

And you’re having a rough day

Ask me for some Rescue Remedy

I always have one on me for everyone to use🤍


Kakariki Health store

Mangawhai Village

Unity Collection

2 Matakana Valley Road


Nga mihi



Mangawhai Community Market

This Saturday I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Tribute to a lovely man

My heart is sad

Thank you for all the moments we shared

They will forever stay in my heart

I hadn't seen you for four months

I had the feeling you had passed away suddenly

I had that confirmed for me over the weekend

Fly high my friend

Rest easy now

Thank you for visiting me in spirit too

I am guessing you were around 75 years years old

I noticed how dapper you were - well dressed

Your shirt freshly pressed every Saturday morning

If a man could be elegant- that was you

You wanted to stand beside me

Not opposite me

It was less confronting

You spoke of your wife

I noticed how quietly you spoke

I never asked questions much about you

It was mostly me listening

I enjoyed that

I felt as though you had probably been a very good lawyer

in the big city just south of us

Visiting your beach house most weekends

and walking the markets

For me it was listening to your stories of experiencing spirit

I knew you hadn't been able to share these freely with just anybody

Everytime I had the pleasure of standing with you

You would say I believe in your work

Then you would smile at me

Sharing your many stories of your own experiences of spirit

You enjoyed being listened too , heard, believed and acknowledged

You often spoke of coming to see me and having a session

I would always answer with

No need we can just stand here and talk

You would smile again and keep talking

There we were normalising speaking about spirit

You liked that

and so did I

Again thank you sweet man for the magical moments that we shared.



Mangawhai Community markets

Tomorrow -

Saturday I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Mangawhai Community markets

Tomorrow - Saturday I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester or it’s $33.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Weaving stories and Harakeke - flax

This morning before work I sat weaving putiputi- flowers.

I had always imagined that women walking by as I sat weaving

would be drawn in

to come join me

That we’d weave,

tell stories,

share what’s happening in our lives.

Find common ground, have a hug and that it would have been a beautiful moment in time.

I mean after all that was how my Tupuna - ancestors did it.

Sitting together,

gathered together~ weaving.


This morning it was lovely to share all these wonderful moments with this lovely wahine as she passed by.

I’m thankful it was glorious.




Collecting precious moments in my work

On those precious moments of deep heart connection in my mahi ~ work

Being at the markets in my cosy little set up brings me so much joy

every weekend I collect so many moments of deep heart connection

Sitting with a lovely older lady recently reminded me of my Nana

she must have been nearly 80 years old

a stroke had affected her speech

My guides did a great job of letting me know what she was saying

We dived into the most beautiful spaces together

I could sense so many of the hard times she had been through in her life

It is hard to put into words these deep aroha connections that I get to share with my clients

Because it's a feeling

A feeling of sharing space together

shedding a few tears


and the comfort that comes from that

Often people I sit with will say they haven't been hugged in so long

The Māori way is to reach out

Well my expression of being Māori is to do this

Show some aroha - love

extend my hand


This for me is where the deepest connections come

Spring forth

in these moments

I consider myself so lucky to be in these spaces

share these most intimate moments

Often all we need is for someone

To see us

Hear us

and hug us

and in her case we hugged many, many times

her face lit up and so did mine

Collecting precious moments in time

Arohanui ~ much love



Mangawhai Community markets

Tomorrow -

Saturday I will be at the Mangawhai Community markets where I’ll be giving Psychic Medium readings/ healings.

I offer a discounted rate of $50 for 20 minutes sessions.

I have my Kia kaha Rescue remedy on my table so please help yourself to the tester.



@ Mangawhai Beach school

Come for the aroha, a hug, some rescue remedy or a reading / healing.



Psychic Medium & Shamanic Healing Practitioner

Kia Kaha - Rescue Remedy

Kia Kaha - Rescue Remedy

Made in Magical Mangawhai

~Deeply restorative support in times of crisis, shock and trauma ~



Postage in NZ


Message me or come and see me at the Mangawhai Community markets.

Look out for my bright blue gazebo with the butterfly painted on the side.

Try out the Tester on the table or purchase using honesty box.

🤍If you see me

And you’re having a rough day

Ask me for some Rescue Remedy

I always have one on me for everyone to use🤍

Nga mihi
